10 Most Common Foot Problems 

Human foot is an interesting design. It is constructed by 32 muscles and tendons, 26 bones and 38 joints. The geometrical relationship forms the structure of the foot. It is the structure to balance the body, to bear the body weight and to propel the body.

In a lifetime, the average individuals walk some 160,000 miles, or more than four times around the world. Most people walk 5-7 miles a day. Therefore, it is not surprising that even a healthy person with normal nerve function and blood circulation can develop many foot problems.

Foot problems can always relate to the biomechanical analysis on the foot as well as the whole body. The reason is because the foot is linked to the entire lower extremity which links to the entire body. Hence, foot problems can sometimes affect the whole body alignment. Effective biomechanical treatments on those mal-alignments are shoe alteration and customized orthoses.

Like seat belts, properly designed foot orthoses (insoles) hold the feet in position relative to the shoe. The most stable shoe without a good pair of insoles will generally be ineffective. As our feet rest on the insoles, which support and consistently direct our feet into the correct position for walking, running and standing. With a pair of good quality insoles, pressure points, improper rotation of the feet, and painful muscle strain are relieved as because our feet are functioning properly.



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